feel free to listen to Blurred Lines while you read this article, but do not watch
the video as it is both distracting and hateful to all women without perfect
We've all been in relationships. And we
have all been in a scenario where you have been sort-of-kind-of-with-someone in
some dimension, but it is so difficult to define you don't even bother. There's
fuck buddies, friends with benefits etc. but different rules apply to different
couples. It is easily forgiven, therefore, that people in this world have no idea how dating works anymore. (Present company included.)
Through the powers of eavesdropping, I have come to a
terrifying realization – none of us are safe.
I noted
down the conversations of a few certain individuals who made it blatantly obvious
what kind of relationship they thought they were in, and blatantly obvious that it’s time to
be seriously worried about the dating world.
Friends with
Benefits. And girlfriends.
A man is on the
phone smoking a cigarette outside the pub. He has a suit on and is incredibly
hot. You now understand why I got so close.
MAN: Yeah,
that sounds good. You know how I love that.
Okay, but the thing is, Hannah will be home at 8, so you're
going to have to, err, not be there.
[pause, sound of shrill squeaking from the other end of the
Yes of course I’m going to end it, but I explained it to
you, now is not a good time to break up with her because of the situation with
her mother.
Yes, yeah. No, I hear you. But then… I mean, I suppose
forcing me to end it with her would make you a terrible person. So you see, I'm
in a really tough position here. And you know how I feel about you...
Yes. Exactly. Oh, gotta go, about to go underground.
Yeah, you too. Bye.
[Smiles to himself]
Comments: Clearly this man is a penis. Clearly this man is
not going to break up with his girlfriend. What is also clear, is that the girl
he was on the phone to is an idiot. Unfortunately, she is not the only idiot to
fall for a penis, and the sad fact of the matter is that Friends with Benefits
is not as clear cut as it used to be. If you find yourself to be the idiot in this situation, I suggest
jumping ship immediately.
Madly in Hate
A man and woman sit next to each other in a coffee shop,
both facing slightly away from one another with their arms crossed.
MAN: Are
you over it yet?
WOMAN: [hissing
and spluttering] Of course I’m not over it. You humiliated me in front of an entire
cafe. [she looks around at all the people who have no idea what just happened]
MAN: That’s
an over exaggeration and you know it. It’s not my fault you were too blind to recognize
that you paid in Euros and not pounds.
MAN: Bitch.
look at each other. Within seconds they embrace passionately]
WOMAN: [in
between kisses] I’m still - mad - at you
- you know.
don’t even like you.
don’t like you either. Now shut up.
If you find yourself Madly in Hate with someone, keep at it. You clearly have
the hottest of hot sex and while you may end up crashing and burning at some
point down the line, enjoy it while it lasts.
In a Reluctant Relationship
A man and two women sit in a popular lunch restaurant. The
women look as if they are on the offensive.
MAN: She’s
just a friend, staying over because she lives far away.
WOMAN 1: I'm sorry, don't they have public transport outside of London?
And you know she has a thing for you.
MAN: It’s
not like that. And you both know I would never cheat.
is suddenly overcome with a coughing fit]
course we know that. But she is a lingerie model. Sleeping in your house. When
everyone else is out for the weekend.
Look, every boy wants a blowjob from a nice lady. But that doesn’t change how I
feel about Patti.
WOMAN 1: Well, does she know about this girl staying over?
MAN: [He
scratches his neck] Not exactly… But it would just cause an unnecessary
and WOMAN 2 look at MAN incredulously]
MAN: Don’t
worry ladies, I’m not stupid. Sometimes you have to think with your heart, and
not your dick.
Apparently even the nice ones see blurred lines in their relationships. Now not all boyfriends engage
in this kind of behavior, but still gives you something to think about doesn’t it?
Three in a bed
GIRL 1: So
we were emailing non-stop. And I mean non-stop. If I took more than a couple of
hours to reply, he would ask me if everything was alright.
GIRL 2: Keen.
GIRL 1: Exactly,
that’s what I thought. I thought I had the upper hand, and that he was way more
into me than I was into him. And then suddenly, just as I was getting
comfortable, he stopped. Just completely went off the radar.
GIRL 2: Well
maybe he got locked out of his emails, or maybe-
GIRL 1: Yes,
or maybe he was scared by our sudden attraction. But then last week he started
emailing me again. Even asked me on a date. But then as soon as I suggested a
location [she smacked the table] BAM! He disappears.
GIRL 2: Yes,
it must be the sudden attraction thing. Or maybe… I mean perhaps…
GIRL 1: What,
perhaps what?
GIRL 2: Maybe
he has a girlfriend. Why else would he drop completely off the radar when it
comes to seeing each other?
is silent for a few minutes]
GIRL 1: So
should I email him again?
Listen to your friends ladies. They are the mirrors that you constantly try to
avoid, and while you may hate them for suggesting the worst, they are looking
out for you.
Secretly in Love Fuck Buddies
WOMAN: So I'm nearly home and I've had a few glasses of
wine, did you want to come over? I thought you might say that. [giggles girlishly] And then
maybe tomorrow we could -
Oh you are? That's a shame because I thought we could -
But Mother's Day was in March.
Oh I see. Yeah. OK.
Yeah, I'm excited to see you too. I’ll be twenty minutes.
Some women can have sex and simply not get feelings. I have yet to meet a woman
like this. The sad fact is, once we have sex, we form an attachment to the
person we have sex with.
"What is this bitch on about? Not
I admire
your smuggery, dear reader. It may take weeks or even months, but eventually it
will hit you like a smack in the face that you kinda, sorta, like him. Don’t
say I never warned you.
I L-ike You
A couple sit on a blanket together in Hyde Park. She lies
on his chest while he strokes her hair. They laugh as he whispers something in
her ear. I get very paranoid thinking they can see up my skirt. They cannot.
MAN: You’re
WOMAN: [Smiles]
Thanks. You’re alright I suppose.
er, I like you.
[sits up] I like you too.
are we..?
MAN: Are
you cool with that?
Definitely. I just have to explain the situation to Tom.
[Tenses] Who the hell is Tom?
Just this guy I'm seeing. No worries. [She lies back on his chest]
Comments: #awkward. He thought he was well in there, and then it hit him like a hangover –
they weren’t on the same page at all. He couldn’t be angry – after all, she
technically handn’t done anything wrong, but she’s still a bit of a dick.
Summary: It is scary how much goes on behind the curtains in a relationship.
Some couples hate each other, but they have great sex so who cares? Some
couples think they’re madly in love, but have absolutely no idea that their
other half is philandering, or getting very close to adulterous behaviour, behind
their back. And some people have absolutely no idea whether they’re a couple or
What does
this tell us about the dating world? It’s a treacherous place, full of twists
and turns and hidden secrets that keep you constantly on your toes. There is no
set “way” to date. There is no definitive “relationship”. We just have to
battle on through the weirdos, the dickheads and the obsessives until we find
that person that has the same fucked up definition of a relationship as we do.
words: Plod along until you find someone hung like Robin Thicke.
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