I simply looked her deep in the eye in the manner of Hannibal Lector and said, "For some people, yes." Ha, only joking. That's one of the things I wish I had thought of doing at the time. Instead, as I remember it, I went a bit red and mumbled something like, "I find the weekly columnists funny..."
And indeed I did. I still do, but now I'm at university I have learnt to keep those opinions to myself if I want to be invited to the next university newspaper social. No wonder I rarely speak at the weekly meetings.
I am, however, no longer a committed Daily Mail-ist as my job begs me to read all the newspapers that ever were to make sure I am writing balanced articles for Blottr. Occasionally though, I find myself reading through some of my ever so slightly controversial opinions and thinking, "Oops, I Liz Jonesed that one."
No matter how much I may sometimes channel Ms Jones in my writing, many of my opinions differ from hers drastically. Now, for those of you who have read my blog before, you'll be aware that I firmly disagree with Jones on her opinion on sex: "The only reason [women] have sex is to get a man, keep a man, steal his sperm and flatter ourselves that we are attractive." I, on the other hand believe that the only reason women have sex is to please ourselves (yes, Liz, some of us enjoy the act of sex), please our man, and flatter ourselves that we are attractive. You've got to admit, sex is a brilliant ego boost.
But let me move on to the controversial Liz Jonesism of the day.
"Because he wouldn’t give me what I wanted, I decided to steal it from him ... The 'theft' itself was alarmingly easy to carry out. One night, after sex, I took the used condom and, in the privacy of the bathroom, I did what I had to do. Bingo."
Wait. Hold it. So the man she is with says outright he does not want a child and she, ignoring his views, steals his sperm and gets herself pregnant with what one can only imagine was a gruesome kind of handstand/jumping manouvre. I think I can say with absolute certainty that this act is considered universally as "not cool". Or, if you'd rather, a gross violation of a man's trust and ejaculation.
When speaking to my lover about how he would feel if I stole his sperm without permission, he said, "If women have the right to steal our sperm to impregnate themselves whenever they want, then I say men should have the right to impregnate women whenever they want. It's like legitimising rape." He finished defiantly. Suddenly a shadow passed over his face and he looked at me with suspicion and said, "You're still on the pill, aren't you?" I assured him that yes, yes I was and at the ripe old age of 20, children are the last thing on my mind. Little does he know that I spend the hours when I can't get to sleep planning my wedding. (Shut up, we all do it. Don't we?) I had to then tell him that I was not actually considering stealing his sperm and was talking about Liz Jones as the cross he was holding and garlic around his neck suggested to me he did not trust my motives.
Now don't get your pitchforks out, but I think we're all being a little bit harsh to Liz Jones. Of course you will disagree with her, of course you will think she's a crazy person, of course you will shudder with horror when trying to imagine how the blinding fuck she managed to impregnate herself (suggest turkey baster) but the woman's got spunk. Literally. No matter how many people dislike her, she always writes with humour and flare (with some exceptions- note her moaning columns about life in the countryside, yawn) even when she's wrong about everything she says. It's still an opinion isn't it? And while she may not be a feminist, or indeed a realist, really she's done all women a huge favour in publicly discussing her craziest moment because now we all look like saints in comparison.
Onto another point, was taking a man's sperm really so bad of her? It's not like he was going to use it as an adhesive. And, by ejaculating into a condom, he has chosen that his sperm is regarded by him as a waste product, so why shouldn't it be used by someone who wants it? Children are regarded by some as a beautiful gift and once you reach a certain age, this gift is harder and harder to come by. Why go through the trauma of getting impregnated by the sperm of an anonymous man who could be Toothless Dave you buy your cigarettes from? Futhermore, the likelihood is Liz Jones will not be successful in her endeavour to get herself pregnant as condoms are laced with horrible things like spermicide and whatnot to ensure women's ovens remain bun-less. Now Liz Jones is the one getting lambasted on Twitter, but does the punishment fit the crime?
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When she said, "your birthday present is inside me," this was definitely not what he expected. |
She's a crazy lady that Liz Jones, no denying that, but we're all a bit crazy/criminally insane. If every woman wrote down the most messed up thing that they ever did Liz Jones would come out as a mildly nuts woman in the light of all our bat-shit crazy misdemeanors, and deep, deep down we all know it's true.
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